Online Class Description

To meet the criteria established by the US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration participants will be introduced to the OSHA Standards, 29 CFR 1926 for the Construction Industry. This OSHA 10 HR Construction Class will cover the following topics: Introduction to OSHA, Struck and Caught Hazards, Electrical Safety, Fall Protection, Ladder Safety, Excavation Safety, Scaffold Safety, Crane Safety, Materials Handling, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and Hearing Conservation.

Students have 60 days to complete the class from the date of first log in. Each student is assigned an authorized OSHA  Online Outreach Trainer and students are able to direct questions to and interact with their assigned outreach trainer. Students may opt to have the system narrate each slide. There are learning assessments at the end of each lesson in the class and a final exam at the conclusion of the class. Passing grades are 70%. Upon completion of the class and achieving a passing grade on each section of the class and on the final exam, students will receive a certificate of completion and a US DOL OSHA 10-Hour card.

Who Should Attend?
Employees that work on a construction project in any capacity.

Register online and receive your class authorization credentials by email within 3 business days.


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